What is the refund policy?
When camp attendees register for the camp there is a nonrefundable deposit. If campers choose to cancel before April 30, participants will receive a refund. Any time after April 30, there are no refunds.
How do i find hotel accommodations near facility?
Hotel group block is located: | Accommodations
What coaches will be at the camp?
Due to the fact that there is so much movement in the football coaching profession, we are unable to provide a list of staff members until camp.
How are parents involved?
Parents are welcome to attend the event and watch campers from bleachers during field drills. Parents are not allowed in speaker sessions or on the field. Parents do not need accompany their child to check in.
What equipment do i need to bring?
Other than a mouth piece and extra cleats in case the ones given to you are too tight, campers do not need any other equipment, including helmets.
What grade do I have to be in to attend smsb?
Sound Mind Sound Body Sports Academy is open to any and all 9th – 11th graders. If you are a senior we do have a last chance camp held in December of each year.
What is the best way to communicate with camp to answer any questions?
Please contact us by email at Typically emails will get a response within 24 hours or less.